JETS Initiative

The JETS Initiative (Junior Entertainment Talent Slate) is the joined effort of the film & TV industry, the government film funding organisations and the private investment sector to create coproduction opportunities for the selected emerging projects. Besides encouraging various financing strategies and new partnerships for a global film market, the JETS Initiative has become a global network for co-productions aimed at emerging filmmakers and filmmakers with less experience in feature film productions under co-production terms.


Our proud years of the JETS Initiative bringing various international filmmakers together.

Winners of the 2025 JETS Initiative were:
Kit Weyman & James Weyman, Project HEADLINER, Canada; Larissa Primeau & Laura Baron Kastner, Project THE STRAY BULLETS, Canada; Guido Tölke & Julia Dordel, Project COLDBLOOD, Germany; Sebastian Sgodzai & Enkelejd Lluca, Project RAUNÄCHTE, Germany; Daniel Hegarty & Sinéad Ni Bhroin, Project RIOT GIRL SUMMER, Ireland; Nadezhda Shmeleva & Eamon Hughes, Project SURROGATE, Ireland; Kristian Kamp & Jorn Kolsrud, Project DUSTBIN HEROES, Norway; Emilie Badenhorst & Casey Diepeveen, Project BAPTISM OF SILENCE, South Africa; Sid Bennett & Jack Pollington, Project NIGHTSONG, UK; Adrian Mead & Clare Kerr, Project THE HATE FACTORY, UK

Winners of the 2024 JETS Initiative were:
Viktor Perdula & G.S. Leitgeb: project A CUTTER’S COFFERS, Austria; Kelsey Egan & Daniel Perlman: project SLAY, South Africa; Jo Southwell & Sara Gibbings: project THE SLEEPER, UK; Emmer Durcan & Jason Branagan: project THE OTHERS, Ireland; Natty Zavitz & Stephanie Sonny Hooker: project A NOSE FOR TROUBLE, Canada; Alexander Feichter & Markus Frings: project FULGIDUSEN, Germany


The JETS Initiative takes place every year during the International Film Festival in Berlin and the EFM Market in Germany. Applications are accepted from late summer onwards in the current year for next years JETS Event. Please be aware that only filmmakers from those countries that are officially stated in our JETS Initiative guidelines can be selected for participation. Here the following countries who are involved on a regular basis: Canada, Germany, Ireland, UK, Finland, Norway, The Netherlands, South-Africa and the USA. If you think you qualify to participate, please contact us through our contact form.

    Funders & Supporters of JETS Initiative

    Telefilm Canada
    Fis Eireann
    Nord Media
    Hessen Film
    Austrian Film Institute
    NL Film Fonds
    FFF Bayern
    Directors UK
    Cape Town & Western Cape Film & Media Promotion
    Freie Hansestadt Bremen
    Govenment 0f Canada
    Embassy of Ireland